Need to change text inside empty nested form [RESOLVED]

I have a nested form inside one of my larger forms. This nested form is not a required field and could potentially remain empty. I have been asked to change the text that shows when nothing has been added to the nested form and I cannot find a way to do it. For reference, here is the text I need to change:

Any ideas?

Hey Ashley,

If you’re looking to only change the “project owners” text, you can do this by changing the Entry Labels to something else, for example, Entries:

Alternatively, you can change the full placeholder text using the following snippet:

Make sure to change 123 to the parent form ID and 4 to the Nested form field ID. If you want to apply the new label to all your Nested form fields, you can change the filter name to simply: gpnf_template_args

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for your reply. I need to use the snippet, but I am a bit confused. You had instructed to " change 123 to the parent form ID and 4 to the Nested form field ID." But I don’t see a 123 or 4. Is there something I’m missing? Do I put the parent form ID where it saus ‘FORM_ID’ and the nested form ID where it says ‘FIELD_ID’?

Hi Ashley. Click the “show original” link so you can view all the code. You can see the 123 and the 4 in the original code:

Thank you! I swear I looked at the original version so I don’t know how I missed that. Must need more coffee. Regardless, thanks. It’s all working now.

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