Hi , looking for some help or an example that I can look at ---- I have a 3 page multistep form and honestly need some assistance in how do write a hook to move back and forth between the steps once page 1 is completed they will click step two to go to page two and same with page 3 they will click on step 3.
@scott-the-sorceror@chrishajer – do either one of you have a url that has an example of a form that uses the steps instead of the progress bar and possibly one that has the next button grayed out until all fields are completed on 1 page of the multistep form?
The demo at the top of our documentation page uses steps instead of the progress bar. Each stop is not clickable until after the user has completed all of the fields on that page.
Regarding graying out the submit button, we have a snippet that will do this.