I have two question, i try demo site for plugin pro version, i try multi step but the different step seems no clickable. So, i would to know, hen i choose step, is it possicle the step are clickable ? Like breadcrumb ? How can i do that ?
i try demo site but the css class do nothing (like gf_list_2col), is that normal on demo site ?
Hi Carl. To make the steps clickable in a multi-page form, you can use this Perk from Gravity Wiz:
For the CSS classes, there is no restriction in the demo sites. The CSS Ready Classes are being deprecated, so it’s possible the class you want to use won’t work. I recommend opening a support ticket here:
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your answer.
I don’t understand how download this plugin. Is it available in demo gravity site to test pro plugin ?
For css, it’s all good now !
Best regards,
Hi Carl. No, that is a paid plugin from Gravity Wiz. If you don’t own Gravity Forms yet, or have a Gravity Perks license, you won’t be able to download it. I recommend reviewing their documentation to see if that meets your needs, and contacting Gravity Wiz if you have any questions about it. Thank you.
Hi Carl. The multi-page navigation is not a feature of Gravity Forms, and I’m not aware of any plans to add that. Currently, the Gravity Wiz perk is the only one I’m aware of, other than creating your own custom code to do it.
gform_confirmation_anchor will not allow you to do this.
If you have any other questions, please let us know.