Multi-page form pages not showing up

Hi there,

I’m trying to create a multi-page form that will show pages based on a value that shows up in a hidden field. For context, this is a nightmare profile survey where the user gets assigned a type of nightmare after they complete the survey.

I’ve used the gform_pre_submission to get the value in the hidden field and that is functioning perfectly.

I have created 7 pages (for the 7 types of responses) with conditional logic for each page.
E.g., If the user got Nightmare profile 3, show page 3.

The 7 pages have the same content -
HTML block, Name field, and Email field

PROBLEM: None of the pages are showing up in the preview OR live the form after I click Save.

Small changes like adding a field will not show up in the GF preview but will show up on the live page, and the pages are visible in the edit mode of the page but not the GF preview. See attached.

Things I’ve tried: using a different browser, clearing cache on browser and the page (using LiteCache plugin), incognito mode, restarting computer.

Can I please know if there is a fix for this?

Thank you so much.

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