Merge Tag for Pagination

I’m use the Google Analytics addon for gravity forms and am excited to try and use the pagination event ---- except we have 2 problems…

1 - There is no merge tag for pagination. It appears from here - What are the merge tags for pagination? - #3 by chrishajer … this is a known issue being worked on, but I can’t seem to find out where to track the progress.

2 - If you are using the gravity perk for transitions, the event for pagination never fires, even though you are moving from page to page.

How do I get help with these 2 items?

If you install the latest Google Analytics Add-On v2.1.1 from here and install that from your Plugins page, you will have the merge tags for pagination to use on the Google Analytics Feed → Form Settings.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

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Thanks Chris! That solves #1 … Any ideas on how I can resolve #2?

For #2, you would need to check with Gravity Wiz for their Perk.

Hi Jake,

I’m guessing you have the soft validation feature enabled. If so, you will have to disable it for the pagination event to fire. The soft validation feature disables individual page submissions to create the most seamless user experience. Your form will continue to benefit from page transitions effect even if you disable it.

I hope this helps.


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