I want to create something similar to https://pifinance.valiant.finance/match/wizard/new using gravity forms. It has conditional fields and depending on selection it shows a total option results (counting) at the bottom. So, my idea is to create that form based on finance lenders. I want to know if it is possible with Gravity. Any ideas? Thank you
Hi Darren. A form like that is possible in Gravity Forms. Do you have a license already? If not, you can test this out in our free demo. You can use the following link to spin up a demo site where you can test Gravity Forms and all the official add-ons for several days: https://www.gravityforms.com/demo/
Could you please advice how can I create something similar? Do you know any Add-On with those functionalities (options counter on bottom based on user selections).
Hi Darren. I don’t know of a way to show the number of options found on the bottom, based on actual conditional logic results (as you narrow down the choices.) Seems like an interesting application, but there is no functionality in Gravity Forms that would allow the number of remaining options to be shown in a running total like that.