I have a series of sequential forms that will be filled out once if Applicant is single (Applicant 01), and twice if Applicant represents a couple (Applicant 02). Only Applicant 01 is an actual User in the system. We simply need information on Applicant 02, so no need for an additional registration.
Currently, I’m adding duplicating the forms for Applicant 02. But duplicate forms feels inefficient.
- Applicant 01: Contact information
- Applicant 01: Personal Info (Religion, DOB, Height, Weight, Phys. Description, etc.)
- Applicant 01: Employment Information (Employer, Job Title, Salary, etc.)
- Applicant 01: Health Information (Current Health, Allergies, Hospitalizations, etc.)
- Applicant 01: Legal (Arrests, Convictions, Charges, etc.)
- Applicant 02: Contact information
- Applicant 02: Personal Info (Religion, DOB, Height, Weight, Phys. Description, etc.)
- Applicant 02: Employment Information (Employer, Job Title, Salary, etc.)
- Applicant 02: Health Information (Current Health, Allergies, Hospitalizations, etc.)
- Applicant 02: Legal (Arrests, Convictions, Charges, etc.)
I’d like to to use the same forms TWICE while (in some way) maintaining a relationship between the applicants such that I am conditionally using the same form based on an is_couple
(Radio Button) choice.
- Contact information
- Personal Info (Religion, DOB, Height, Weight, Phys. Description, etc.)
- Employment Information (Employer, Job Title, Salary, etc.)
- Health Information (Current Health, Allergies, Hospitalizations, etc.)
- Legal (Arrests, Convictions, Charges, etc.)
Be advised: I’m sure I can create some sort of “Workflow” via GravityFlow, but I find that interface design …visually challenging. However I’m still pretty new to GravityFlow, so the visual challenges may be due to my lack of knowledge thus far.
I’m curious as to whether this can be done without GravityFlow, be it via native GravityForms, Gravity Perks, etc. or do I need to code up something custom.
Please advise,