How does the built in spam feature work?

I am currently NOT using any spam addons such as recaptcha or Akismet. I am referring to the built-in spam feature that Gravity Forms has.

A legit submission has been flagged as spam by Gravity Forms. I am trying to figure out how it ended up in the spam folder.

Where can I edit options for spam?
How does this built-in spam feature work?
Where can I find more documentation on this?

Screen Shot 2024-03-07 at 11.24.17 am

Hi Stuart,

  1. You can edit the “Anti-spam honeypot” settings from the Forms → [specific] Form Settings → Form Options like the following screenshot.

  1. Gravity Forms adds a new hidden field for the Honeypot and hash key in the webpage footer to validate that the submitted data is not spam. Explaining how the functionality works can be a bit complex.

  1. Refer to the following articles and their comment sections to understand how things work behind the scenes.

:fire: To avoid spam, you can try the free “Gravity Forms Zero Spam” plugin by GravityKit.

Hi Faisal,

Thanks for getting back to me.

The Anti-spam honeypot was not enabled. Why does my form still have a spam folder?
There was a recent submission that ended up in the spam folder again :frowning:

Is there something else running behind the scenes that is not honeypot?

Then, it seems like it needs a closer look. Please open a support ticket here:
, including the system report from the Forms → System Status page, and a link to the page where the form is located.

Thank you.

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