Successful submission and payment still goes to GF Spam folder

We use GF for data collection and event registration. When using a payment field for a registration form, and the visitor successfully fills out the form and makes a successful payment, how come the submission ends up in the GF spam folder? We are using honeypot and Captcha and Akismet.

Any suggestions to prevent this? Visitors are not logged into the website and we really don’t want to encourage that.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Gravity Forms doesn’t mark submissions as spam, that’s always done by add-ons and other plugins. In this case it will be the Akismet plugin. Try installing the Akismet add-on via the Forms > Add-Ons page. That add-on will add an Akismet tab to the settings area of each form so you can customize the mappings to provide Akismet with the most accurate data to perform the spam check with. You’ll also be able to disable the Akismet integration for specific forms.

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