I am attempting to hide the radio buttons selection button in the fields of my gravity form using the css for the page. I want my customers to select the image I have placed in the text field and see a little color around the image when they have selected it. Here is the code:
.hideradio input[type="radio"]{display:none;}
body .gform_wrapper ul.gfield_radio li input[type="radio"]:checked+label img{border:solid #000 1px;}
I feel that I am targeting the fields, however the input and body tags are greyed out and not effecting the form field. Am I missing something?
I am also not able to target the product and option price fields that I set to radio. I would think that if I set the class to hideradio then I would be able to target the field. And when I and the second class of hideradio in the label field, the class of zoom is negated. I have also put hideradio in the custom CSS of the field.
(again removed because system wont allow me to post more than one link) [why the heck is that? I can’t show the problem, direct you to the form where i got the information, and give the url to the gform with only one picture and link… sorry, frustrated)
But the input is grayed out and not affecting the field: