Having issues with not receiving notifications

I know enough about this to be dangerous… but I am trying to resolve an issue where my form notifications are not being sent. I am using WP Mail SMTP Lite and this is the warning notification I am getting:
Heads up! The last email your site attempted to send was unsuccessful.

Email Source: WP Core Mailer: Other SMTP SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Failed to connect to serverSMTP server error: Failed to connect to server Additional SMTP info: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known


When I set up my notification the instructions state to not have the Send to email and From email be the same… but I don’t know what they should be. It says always use your site domain in the From email, which I am using. But what should be in the Send to Email? Isn’t it being sent to me? I’m so confused.

Hi Wendy,

It seems that you are having issues with the SMTP configuration. The “form email” address should be where the form will be sent. It could be something like info@yourdomain.com.

The “send to” email address will be where it should be received, or where the admin email notifications go. Both addresses should be different; using the same email address will not work and will cause failed email delivery issues.

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