Gravity forms or Wpform: an obligatory choice for those who use the forms for a purchase?

I’m an old wpform user. Following the advice of some bloggers (whose disinterest I am now beginning to doubt) I have been testing gravity for a few days.
I wonder how it is possible to use a form builder that doesn’t even allow you to show the price next to the product, for example in the case of dropdown fields.
I would be curious to see how other users have overcome this obstacle. Can inserting the price on the label be considered a professional solution? If the price is discounted, how do you manage this? I would like to see some solution from you. How do you manage the price? And I would like to know why the gravity form developers never bothered to show the price.

Adding the price to the label in the choice-based product field types is an acceptable practice. When you do this, you will want to enable Show Values and ensure your value is only text and no other characters.

You can also add the prices using a filter, as shown here.

When doing discounts, you can use a separate product field with a negative amount or a calculation to implement the discount. You can also use Coupons, but this is a discount on the total and not a specific product.

There is also a third party add-on that adds other product fields that can be applied to specific products: eCommerce Fields

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Thanks for your kindly reply. But if i enable values, i only see the price in the backend. The user in the form doesn t see the price. Am I wrong? Or i m doing any mistake?

You would still need to add the price to the label example

You enable the Show values option so that your value only contains text and no special characters (i.e. currency symbols, dashes, etc…). See the note here for details.