Gravity Forms CPT Admin Columns [RESOLVED]

Hey there,

I am using Gravity Forms and the Advanced Post Creation Add-On plugin to create a Guestbook. I have people submit messages on the front-end and then the Advanced Post Creation Add-On plugin uses those fields on the backend to create a custom post type, which is working :slight_smile: So, I have a basic guestbook working. On the backend, the custom post type displays two columns Title and Date…I am using the title, so this is a plus! I like the date because then we know when the message is submitted, but I was hoping to add another column for message, where I could display the actual field data for my message. Does anyone know how to do this?

My guestbook CPT code looks like:

function create_posttype() {
				'labels' => array(
					'name' => __('Site Entries'),
					'singular_name' => __('Site Entry')
				'menu_icon'           => 'dashicons-book',
	            'public' => true,
	            'has_archive' => true,
	            'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'guestbook'),
	            'show_in_rest' => true,
	add_action( 'init', 'create_posttype' );


Gravity Forms is not involved in any way in the columns your CPT shows in the back-end, that’s up to your CPT definition. Take a look to this: wp admin - Adding custom columns to custom post types - WordPress Development Stack Exchange

Hey there, I tried to follow what was going on, but ended up getting lost. They are definitely doing something similar, just couldn’t figure out how to integrate this with the existing content. The reason I posted here was because I was thinking this was related to Gravity Forms, but you’re right it isn’t. It’s more related to my custom post type content field. So, I looked around and found: Admin Columns – WordPress plugin | I was able to populate it using the CPT posts content. At first, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to use this plugin because Gravity Forms integration is available on the pro version, but since I’m not pulling the data directly from Gravity Forms (I’m pulling it from the CPT posts content), I can use it!

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