GF & Hubspot: Submission from same session/browser just updates contacts in DB [RESOLVED]

Hi guys. I need to find a workaround that follow-submissions from the same browser/session/phone etc. are triggering HubSpot to create new contacts and not simply update the prior ones (matches with cookie).

How can I do this? We are using GF on Wordpress with the Hubspot Addon.


Hi Klaus. I recommend opening a support ticket for assistance:

I have added the following code into the functions.php of the active theme (and flushed all caches of WP and browser) but keep running into the same problem (HubSpot merges via cookie):


add_filter( ‘gform_hubspot_output_tracking_script’, ‘turn_tracking_off’, 10, 1 );
function turn_tracking_off( $add_tracking ){
return false;

add_filter( ‘gform_hubspot_submission_data’, ‘remove_cookie_value’, 10, 4 );
function remove_cookie_value( $submission_data, $feed, $entry, $form ){
unset ( $submission_data[‘context’][‘hutk’] );
return $submission_data;

Any ideas what to try next?

Hi Klaus. I see that you have a support ticket already with some additional information in it. I will let that ticket take its course and will leave this topic open in case you want to share the ultimate resolution. Thank you.

Thanks everyone. I could work it out. The formatting in the email with the instructions got scrambled up so the code did not work properly.

Can confirm that the snippet above works once put into the right formatting.

Thanks! :wink:

Thanks for the update Klaus.