Good morning everybody and sorry for my English.
Here is what I need to do with Gravity Form and didn’t find any.
Section 1: obligatory choice from 1 to 20
Section 2 with 8-9 fields (name, surname, date of birth…) to fill many time as you choice on section one (if you choose “3” you need to fill up all the fields on section 2 three times…or better, all the section 2 three time)
I hope my explanation is clear and I hope somebody can help me sending some resource or a tip to do it. Thanks!!!
I recommend using a List field for section 2. Then you can use this method to set the number of rows based on the choice from section 1.
Will that work for you?
If not, maybe something like this (where section 2 is your nested form over and over):
That is a paid solution but maybe that is an option for you.
Goodmorning Chris!
Thank you su much for you answer!
I will try to do it!