Feed Processing / Delay - Conditional Logic On Payment Status (Stripe)

Hello! Hoping I can get some help here… I’m not an experienced developer and only know enough PHP to get myself into trouble :slight_smile:

NOTE: I’m using Gravity Forms 2.7.9 and the new Stripe 5.0 Card Field, not Stripe Checkout. I know delayed processing works (mostly) if using Checkout, but I need to use the Stripe Card for additional payment options.

There are several things I’m trying to do, and I can’t seem to figure out the combination of filters/hooks to make this work:

  1. I need to delay processing of both the Google Analytics add-on AND the Zoho CRM add-on feeds until Stripe payment is complete.

  2. I need to use conditional logic to trigger different feeds in both Google Analytics and Zoho CRM based on the payment_status after payment is complete (ie. one feed if payment is successful, other feed if payment is failed)

  3. Ideally, I’d like to use conditional logic for the Confirmation after payment_completed to redirect the user to different URLs depending on whether payment was successful or failed.

I’m aware this is a tangle of a request, if anyone has any advice on how to approach this (without using Stripe Checkout) I would REALLY appreciate it!


That’s just enough PHP to build something awesome, especially when you add Gravity Flow into your toolkit. Adding steps in a workflow for anything feed-based will move the execution from being at time of form submission (and the race conditions/concerns like you outline) to performing in the chosen step order.

I sent you a bit more details in the question you sent in via our support mailbox, but for others following along:

  • For most feed-based add-ons that Gravity Forms provides, like ZohoCRM, as soon as you create the feed, your workflow will have an option to add a step to select it.
  • For some, like Stripe, where it might need to refund, cancel or capture payment, there is an extension with multiple step types.
  • For scenarios where you want customer or staff to review/edit or otherwise interact with the entry post-submission but prior to specific step types, an Approval or User Input step would give you that flexibility.
  • For everything else, there’s Mastercard, the versatile custom step framework lets you define what settings a step needs to capture and how it should process in relation to them when the step is added to a workflow.


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Hi Jamie -

Got your email, thanks so much for that and for replying here! This has definitely been a tough one to figure out but I’m glad to hear that Gravity Flow can handle it.


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