Entries before payment success

Hello all,

Please help.

My setup
I have a form (id:8), 1 product at £5, Stripe as payment gateway, stripe plugin. Webhooks setup to receive all events from Stripe.

My issue
GravityForm creates entries of entries that have not completed payment. If a user closes the page before completing payments, GravityForms still creates an entry.

How can I ensure that GravityForm’s Entries section records only paid entries only?

Thank you.

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If you’re using the Stripe Payment Form (redirect to Stripe checkout page) instead of the Stripe Field (collecting payment in form), then it is the expected behavior for Gravity Forms to generate an entry with the pending payment status after clicking submit and being redirected to the Stripe checkout page.

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Hi Chris,

Many thanks for your response, appreciate it. You are right. This happens with Stripe’s hosted checkout page.

I will look into switching to Stripe field in the form.


Could this be what’s happening for me with Square too? Although, there’s only 1 way to set up the Square payment. I created a new thread for my issue: Square + conditional send Webhook sending twice

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