Enable Stripe monthly Fee and annual membership fee subscriptions

I’m building a form that is supposed to work like this:
Customer signs up for a monthly subscription. This add on a recurring $50 Yearly Fee
If the customer signs up multiple family members, the Recurring fee is $100, regardless the number of family members

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Hi Tim. Can you have two products: one for an individual, and one for a family. The family product would be $100. The individual product would be $50. You can ask elsewhere in the form for the number of family members, but that does not affect the price.

Then, for your Stripe feeds, you will have one monthly subscription for $50, and one monthly subscription for $100, and you use conditional logic on each feed, so that the correct feed is processed based on the selection they made in the form (individual or family). Does that work for you?

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