Dropbox add-on + Dropbox Business team folder access?

I’m trying to get connect the Dropbox add-on to a Dropbox Business account so that my client can upload files to a team folder.

I created a custom Dropbox app and gave it read/write permissions to team folders.

However, when I click the “Click here to connect to Dropbox.” button, nothing happens and the following error log is generated:

ERROR --> GF_Dropbox::initialize_api(): API credentials are invalid; Error in call to API function "users/get_current_account": This API function operates on a single Dropbox account, but the OAuth 2 access token you provided is for an entire Dropbox Business team. Since your API app key has team member file access permissions, you can operate on a team member's Dropbox by providing the "Dropbox-API-Select-User" HTTP header or "select_user" URL parameter to specify the exact user <https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/teams>.

Is the add-on not compatible with Dropbox Business team folders? Is there some workaround to make it work?

Hi Nathan. I recommend opening a support ticket for this issue:

Thank you.

Thanks, Chris, I have opened a ticket, but I wanted to see if anyone else has already figured out the issue.

Thank you Nathan. I’ll leave this open in case anyone has already figured this out.