Does GravityForms' non-profit license limit functionality of PayPal?

After lots and lots of testing, I am wondering whether GravityForms license for non-profits has some weird restrictions built in. I tested the GravityForms on a new WordPress install, the same issue of the PayPal add-on not connecting to “live” happened. AND, I get the same issue of getting sent to a PayPal fundraising page. I tested with my own (not not-for-profit) company’s PayPal account on both the site I need to set up PayPal and the new install WP site, same thing.

In contrast, Formidable Forms’s PayPal add-on got set up with no issues on both WordPress site(s) – with either PayPal account.

Am about to give up on Gravity Forms.

Hi Yumei. There are no restrictions built into the Nonprofit license that will affect the functionality of Gravity Forms or the PayPal Checkout Add-On. We have your support ticket, and we’ll reply there. Thank you.