Does gravity forms work with the translation plugin: weglot?
And if yes, is it possible to send email notifications in each language?
Does gravity forms work with the translation plugin: weglot?
And if yes, is it possible to send email notifications in each language?
It says " Works with all the WordPress plugins: WooCommerce, Yoast, ACF, …" on their ‘WordPress Translation Plugin’ page, so according to that it should work with Gravity Forms too
Anyway, just installed Weglot on a test-site and from what I see it could be done in two ways:
Automatically by enabling the ‘Check to translate all emails who use function wp_mail’ option in their WP plugin settings.
Manually by using a hidden field that can be filled dynamically based on the language part of the page. You could use that field to conditionally send the manually created notifications.
If you’re planning on using the setting of option 1 for other mails, I suggest using that option for Gravity Forms too (I can imagine Weglot would otherwise try to translate the manually added notifications too).
Hi Hiranthi,
Number 1 worked.
Thanx a lot!
Big hug,