Hi there, I want to set up a form for my clients to fill with their details and when they submit it, I’d like to generate a private random page with the details of the previous form and another form consisting of an upload image field and a signature field.
So when the client fills the first form I check my calendar and, if the date is available, I’ll send them the private page for them to sign the document.
Is this possible to do? There are so many add-ons but I can’t find one which automates this specific process. Thanks!
Instead of having the form generate a private random page, what about sending them to a page that either via authenticated login or email-provided-secure-token has just their entry available to process? What you are describing sounds like it could be achieved pretty cleanly with:
A User Input step that is assigned to you to review/confirm on your calendar for potential date. That could be done within the WP admin dashboard under the Workflow > Inbox page that Gravity Flow provides.
Another User Input step, assigned to the user if they exist in your system, or via an email address field that can link to their inbox page on the front-end specific to that form.
From there, many other steps could be added to build up your workflow for what happens after the meeting with the customer. Radio button driven conditional logic for which notifications they receive after the meeting maybe?