I have a client that has a contest for tables at an event that people have to buy. In the past they sell fast at his events. He has abandoned his old webmaster and want me to re-make his site. The way it operated was, users would join the contest to buy seating at the event. As eac h one purchased he had a leaderboard showing live results. They would cheer on as the tickets were bought. So it was somehow interactive with the purchasing. What form should I use and , how to I display these live results?
I am a webmaster and i have a client who wants to show in real time on his website, when a user makes a purchase. There is a limit to the items and the leaderboard should show in real time each purchase. I use the WordPress dashboard.
The only option without coding a complete custom solution would be to use the Gravity View data tables layout and then customize the layout. The data tables layout works with Gravity Forms ajax submissions, so it should work in real-time for you. Here’s a link to Gravity View for more information. Gravity View Ajax Results
If you want help developing a custom solution here is a link to Codeable with all of the Gravity Forms for-hire developers. Gravity Forms Codeable Developers
Our Entry Blocks perk would also work for displaying the entries on a page. It doesn’t support real-time updating via Ajax, but it would update any time the page is refreshed.