I am using the Survey Rank field for an application used often by older persons. The drag-and-drop image is too faint for easy reading. Is there some kind of PHP snippet I can use to replace the image?
You can replace the image adding your own custom CSS to the site, example:
.gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield .gsurvey-rank-choice {
background-image: url(/absolute/path/to/image/file.svg);
I actually tried replacing the background image using CSS, and it worked well for about a year and then suddenly started to fail. When I say “failed” I mean that the custom image was present and I could seemingly drag the row vertically, but “drop” (relocate and re-rank) function stopped working. Perhaps the markup on an update changed how it worked. Will try your style and see if it works.
It worked! I had to switch filetypes and eliminate the resizing (so it’s still small, but at least it’s high-contrast). THANK YOU, SACOM!!
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