With the plugin Modern Events Calendar (Lite), any of my Gravity Form Date Picker field calendar pop-ups appear 100% width. Deactivating the MECLite plugin sets the calendar pop-up back to normal. What can be done to stop this?
This is something you need to report to Modern Events Calendar developers, as it’s this plugin causing the issue to Gravity Forms and not the opposite. They will need to improve the CSS targeting their plugin is using to ensure they target only calendars generated by Modern Events Calendar and not other calendars that could be in the page.
Turn off “No Conflict Mode” in the Forms > Settings page.
Couldn’t the same be said for Gravity Forms? It’s clearly a case of common class/style naming. In this scenario, everything was working prior to Gravity Forms installation. So one could infer the last thing that changed was a new plugin (GF) come into town and things went wonky.
I will never get either party to change their class names/targeting. I would get nowhere. I just merely need someone to point me in the right direction for overriding it.
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