Date Picker in Gravity Forms says “Previous” Backwards

The page in question is here:

I have been unable to find a thread with the same error:
Under the Date Picker in Gravity Forms, when you click into the date box and the calendar pops out it has 4 arrows (2 for previous month and 2 for next month) which is an error by itself, but on the second set of arrows it has a mirrored image of the word “Previous”. I do not know if the word “Next” is the same because I do not see it; however, if I try to copy the text (like to post here), Previous and Next are copied to the clipboard.

After reading about other errors, I tried to disable the plugin and re-enable it, but that did not fix it. It is the same in Chrome and FireFox.
The plugin, WordPress, and WPBuilder are up to date. I know the site lacks SSL, but I don’t think that would cause this.

I found a thread that talked about removing any styling in the theme’s functions.php file, but I wasn’t sure if this would solve the issue:

function gravity_datepicker_fix() {
wp_dequeue_style( ‘jquery-ui-css’ );
add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘gravity_datepicker_fix’, 100 );

Another forum user suggested this CSS:

.ui-datepicker-prev span {
    /* position: absolute; */
    -moz-transform: scaleX(-1);
    /* -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1); */
    -o-transform: scaleX(-1);
    /* transform: scaleX(1); */
    -ms-filter: fliph;
    filter: fliph;

But it did not fix the issue.

Any ideas? Has anyone else seen this issue?

I recommend first determining if it’s your theme or a plugin that is interfering. You can use these steps to determine the source of that conflict:

Or on a live site, you can use our Debug add-on to check for theme and plugin conflicts on the site without affecting any site visits:

After testing, let us know which turned out to be the conflict, and we can proceed from there.

It isn’t a plugin unless it is one of the mandatory theme plugins that will not let me deactivate them until I deactivate the theme. When I deactivated the theme, the entire ‘look’ of the calendar changed and the text was no longer backwards in that there was no text in the different look. So I don’t know if that actually fixes the backwards text or merely hides it.
The theme is Carservice Version: 2.0
By QuanticaLabs