Conversational Add-on to Compete with Typeform

Conversational forms are and have been the hottest thing to happen to forms in the past 1-3 years and it’s so disappointing that Gravity Forms still doesn’t have anything that can compete with Type Forms. There is Magic Conversion but it looks terrible(no offense to the creator) compared to the slick modern look of typeform.

Again this is the biggest thing to happen to forms since conditional logic and by being so behind on this curve you are signalling to your community that you aren’t interested or able to provide an up to date product that meets the needs and expectations of our customers. This is why people leave sadly, this is why good or great companies become irrelevant.


Thank you for your feedback. I will share that with the team.

It would be a really nice feature to have.


I agree! It looks like WPForms’ implementation is really nice:

This would be amazing to have in Gravity Forms!


There’s a plug-in called “last form” on code canyon the adds the typeform functionality to Gravity Forms.

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@user5a957918abb078.3, It looks like Lastform is no longer being updated:

Sadly, Lastform hasn’t been updated in more than a year. I purchased it, but experienced too many errors, and no support. :frowning:

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Any updates on this? Gravity forms has various competitive advantages over typeform and wpforms. However, not having the conversational style form is a BIG LOSS.

What is it going to take to get this going?

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There are no updates at this time. There is nothing in development but I will note your interest on the open feature request. Thank you.

Thank you Chris. I appreciate the quick response. First of all, we love gravity forms and have been using it for almost a decade under the elite/developer subscription. Secondly, I could make a list of why Gravity forms is better than both typeform and wpforms (integrations, add-ons, community, and pricing to name a few). Love the fact that we don’t have to use Zapier with slack (and others) and that you support webhooks for direct integrations. So much flexibility and power!

*** Not that far away ***
However, lacking typeform/conversational forms is crucial to keeping gravity forms modern. “Auto-next“ and “form focus” are critical to completion rates which is why these form styles are so popular.

A typeform similar flow is not far away. I can see 1 built in function (multi page with Ajax) and 1 extension (multi-page auto advance) that will complete 2 of the 3 requirements. The final requirement of “beauty and focus” is still open (custom css?).

Typeform and WpForm do an excellent job making any form beautiful, clean, and focused. Somehow wpforms is able to convert all of their forms to a “conversational form/typeform style”. Imagine the power this would bring to gravity forms!

*** Current solutions/Work arounds ***

  1. The major downside with multi-page with Ajax loading is that we are not using the system as designed form creation is more complicated than it should be.

  2. Auto advancing should be built in and should not require a 3rd party plugin.

  3. Beauty - Maybe model after lastform? I’m happy to buy lastform and give to your team. The plugin has everything desired to make gravityforms beautiful out of the box for conversational forms/typeform styling. The only reason why lastform can’t be used is because the author is MIA and the plugin has issues (due to lack of updates). This author has 1500 sales to date! That’s $100,000 in sales! Wow!

*** Next Steps ***
Is there a way we can “vote” this feature request up? Considering the immense popularity of typeforms, I can’t imagine that lacking this feature is not causing lost sales and turnover of existing clients for GravityForms as a company.

I’d love to be a part of this process. As mentioned… so many reasons to stay with GravityForms so let’s finish this major difference and beat WPforms and Typeform.

*** References ***

  1. Multipage Ajax —>

  2. Multi page auto advance —> already part of GravityForms

  3. Beauty —>


Photo to show the features of “auto next upon selection”.


Plugin for auto-next (no, I am not affiliated with this plugin).


Thank you for the thoughtful responses @easyitguys - I’ll share them with the product team.

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You are welcome!

Also, I think the community should know about a plugin called “BeautyGravity” (We are not affiliated with them)
Free version -->
Paid version -->

I’ve been working with them to fill this need. It appears to have a lot of promise! I bought the pro version last night and setup a multipage form with Ajax… and… It’s getting close to typeform! Not nearly as pretty or focused… but closer!

I sent them a list of issues that I experienced so hopefully they can start making adjustments soon.

More as I know everyone!

P.S - Gravity forms is still VERY SLOW in comparison to Typeform. I wonder if there is a way to speed up multipage forms? Preloading?

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Hello guys there art gravity.
You gcan’t have a user like @easyitguy and don’t reward him (i’m not affiliate with him nor knows who this guy is)

But can u see the time he is putting trying to help you ?

You can’t let us down on this.
I can’t believe you don’t have the features of today other competitors…

So, the real question is : Are there still developpers behind gravity form OR not ?

Depending on your answer, we can ajust our strategy, after all, this is just business.


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I want to thank @easyitguy for such a detailed and thoughtful response which I agree with entirely.

I am a long time developer supporter of Gravity Forms and it has done wonders for my clients.

While we know the power under the hood people are attracted to the beauty of the paint job and there is no reason why the UI can’t be something as good or better than TypeForm.

People do judge a book by its cover so why not have a beautiful cover and then still blow people away with the rest of the advanced capabilities.

please listen to your members. The look of Gravity Forms “out of the box” has always been average and people today demand a higher quality experience.

Let’s give it to them.

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Thanks for your comments Julian. I added your comments to our open request.

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Was just Googleing to see if this existed yet, agree it would be a great addition to Gravity. Multiple clients have been turned off my suggestion to use Gravity Forms because of this missing feature. Adding my vote for auto-focus scrolling single question view.

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I reckon I mentioned this in an email to GF. I also made the point that not having conversational forms is the biggest downside to GF in a G2 review recently and it’s why it didn’t get 5 stars, though on all other fronts it deserves 5.

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Thanks for your comments Tim.