Conditional logic based on date

I have forms with fields that for several years have been shown or hidden dependant on the current month - they allow members to only enter data related to events that are currently open.

Now I find that I can only show or hide based on other fields in the form, or user. How do I get date back into the conditional logic please.

Hi @user5b9a21f03fadc6.0. As far as I know, Gravity Forms doesn’t have date-based conditional logic built-in. Perhaps you were using Gravity Wiz’s Conditional Dates perk in the past, and it’s since been deactivated or removed from your website?

Thanks - i think you may be right. In all my plug ins I do have GP Conditional Logic dates. The version I have may not be compatible with a recent update of Wordpress and PHP.

The most current version of that plugin is v1.2.17. If you upgrade and continue having problems, you’d be best to submit a support ticket over at Gravity Wiz.

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