Can't find short codes or id number of forms

I’ve got the latest version of GF installed however, I can’t find the shortcode or ID number for any of my forms i’ve made for my site.

It’s frustrating as i’m trying to update a section of our website and input a form but i can’t see to find where it is as it’s not where it used to be.

Can anyone else shed some light on this or a possible fix? Thanks

By default Gravity Forms support only the default WordPress editor.

Gutenberg: Adding a Form Using Blocks - Gravity Forms Documentation

or Classic: Adding a Form Using the Classic Editor - Gravity Forms Documentation

If you’re using a third-party tool for your page, you may need to create the shortcode for the form manually: Creating a Form Shortcode - Gravity Forms Documentation

You can find the form ID by going to the Forms list page and looking to the ID column.

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