Approval Stamp PDF


Looking to set a timesheet form system up, however I need to have multiple approvers (which the gravity forms allows) however is it possible to show an approval stamp on the form to show who approved it.

So it would go like this, employee submits timesheet, “Approval 1” checks times and approves it, then it goes to “Approval 2” to finalise the approval.

Is there something that can be added so it shows “Approval 1” and “Approval 2” names on the bottom of the form, to which when it gets converted to PDF it shows the form entries and the two approval stamps on the PDF?



Hi Sam,

All of that is easily setup with Gravity Flow. The approval steps can have their assignee either configured in step settings (like a notification would) or based on fields in the form that either the user provides or automation determines.

For display of the history in the PDF, the {workflow_timeline} merge tag gives you an easy way to display with the PDF Generator extension. Or if you need something more nuanced, you can create a custom merge tag and the parts of data you probably want to work with would be part of the Form Object and Entry Object. If you want more granular control over how the PDF generates, a filter like gravityflowpdf_content would be a good place to start.


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