Why Are Some Fields Coming In On One Line?

Our “Order Notification” is formatted so that all fields are on a separate line (see “Format” screenshot), but when the email arrives, the first few fields are all on one line making it difficult to read (see “Display” screenshot).

How do I ensure all fields are on their own line?

Hi Holly. In the screenshot from Outlook you can see above the attachment the message “We removed extra line breaks from this message.”

It looks like Outlook or Microsoft 365 is doing that. Microsoft does not publish what algorithm they use to determine what is ‘extra’.

Try checking the box “Disable auto-formatting” and then in your Text view of the editor, add a line break HTML tag <br> after each line, like this:

Referring Facility: {Referring Facility:5}<br> 
Lactation Consultant/Nurse: {Lactation Consultant/Nurse:18}<br> 
Other Person Assisting with Form: {Other Person Assisting Patient with Form:20}<br> 
Use LC/Nurse Info on File: {Use Lactation Consultant/Nurse Contact Info on File:33}<br> 
Other Contact Email: {Email:24}<br> 
Other Contact Phone: {Phone:25}<br> 
Preferred Method of Contact: {Preferred Method of Contact:37}<br> 
Patient First Name: {Patient First Name:14}<br> 
Patient Last Name: {Patient First Name:15}<br> 

If that does not work, let us know.