When I submit the Gravity Form.It just shows a loader and form doesnot submits.Not even it is showing the validation messages that i have applied on fields.It is showing url of form submit with a 500 error. Not able to understand how to resolve this issue


This is the error it is showing on page submit.
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0

[Violation] ‘DOMContentLoaded’ handler took 153ms
**/contact-us/#gf_3:1 **
POST https://domain.com/contact-us/ 500

Whenever there is a 500 Internal Server Error or Fatal Error, that will be logged to the web server error log. Please find that error message to see what is causing the problem.

If you can’t find the error log and your host cannot help, please see if you have the email message WordPress sends to the site admin email address when there is an error. That contains the error message and stack trace. Once you find that, post it here, and we’ll help you continue troubleshooting. Thank you.

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