We have created a sign up form with Gravity Forms and the Add-on Users Registration.
In our site after register we required to activate the account.
It works perfectly except for a little problem. A lot of users who activate their account and can use the site are still in pending users list.
We realized that when a new user fill the sign up form, wordpress creates a row in the “signups” table. When a user activates his account, wordpress creates a row in the “users” table, and updates the column “activated” in the “signups” table for that user.
I understand the pending users are those whose “activated” column is not filled, and the problem is that for some reason sometimes this column is not filled when a user activates his account.
We also use buddypress and before we used the sign up form from buddypress and his xprofile. This problem started when we changed from that form to the Gravity Forms one.
Could you help us anyway?
Thank you very much!