I have a reserved area created with Gravity login registration and I show the login form through a page with the widget created by the plugin. I need to declare the merge tag of the user’s e-mail address {user: user_email} as a variable because this data must be declared in an external script that I have to paste in the header of the login page. The script is as follows:
_etmc.push (["setUserInfo", {"email": example}]);
_etmc.push (["trackPageView"]);
In this case, the “example” variable must therefore correspond to the user’s email address.
I tried to enter {user: user_email} directly but it doesn’t return the dynamic value for each user who logs in (if you don’t log in the field must be empty).
I also tried to insert (along with the code above) another snippet
<script> var example = "{user: user_email}" </script>
but it doesn’t take the email field of the form.
Thanks for your appreciate support!