Need help urgently.
I did an upgrade of the Gravity forms plugin to Version 2.9.0. No my forms no longer work. They are coming up blank.
I tried turning on WP debug but no wp_content/debug.log shows up.
Using Developer Mode in Chrome shows:
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0
Header.638dcbf1.js:176 Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: React Developer Tools – React
2index.507d5a45.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘id’)
at index.507d5a45.js:1:503
at Array.find ()
at te (index.507d5a45.js:1:480)
at ie (index.507d5a45.js:6:587)
at Jo (Header.638dcbf1.js:128:378)
at s1 (Header.638dcbf1.js:132:5553)
at v3 (Header.638dcbf1.js:134:11765)
at HTMLUnknownElement.ue (Header.638dcbf1.js:55:33014)
at (Header.638dcbf1.js:55:33349)
at bd (Header.638dcbf1.js:55:34313)Understand this errorAI
Header.638dcbf1.js:132 The above error occurred in the component:
at ie (chrome-extension://lhaopfkppdccofghkhiijjjbakjeblgp/assets/js/index.507d5a45.js:6:282)
Consider adding an error boundary to your tree to customize error handling behavior.
Visit Component – React to learn more about error boundaries.
n1 @ Header.638dcbf1.js:132Understand this errorAI
Header.638dcbf1.js:147 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘id’)
at index.507d5a45.js:1:503
at Array.find ()
at te (index.507d5a45.js:1:480)
at ie (index.507d5a45.js:6:587)
at Jo (Header.638dcbf1.js:128:378)
at s1 (Header.638dcbf1.js:132:5553)
at v3 (Header.638dcbf1.js:134:11765)
at H1 (Header.638dcbf1.js:151:2146)
at W3 (Header.638dcbf1.js:147:22116)
at jb (Header.638dcbf1.js:147:21699)
I’ve tracked this down to conditional logic. I created a new form and all was going well until I added a condition for the product field to show up when another dropdown was selected.
I fixed my form not to have conditional logic. The form shows up but the prices for my Drop Down product are not showing up and I cannot get to the Next page!!
Please help. How do I roll back?
New error on clicking Next:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘handleButtonClick’)
at HTMLInputElement.onclick (?gf_page=preview&id=7:90:211)
onclick @ ?gf_page=preview&id=7:90
Hi Al. Based on the number of issues you are reporting, I recommend the following:
Install the latest Gravity Forms release. That is currently Because this is an interim release, you must manually download that from your downloads page and install it via the plugins screen of your WordPress dashboard.
Clear any cache and CDN, including Cloudflare. If you are using Rocketloader, be sure you disable that.
Test your form. If it still does not work, check for conflicts with your theme and any plugins (including custom code in either location.). You can use these steps: Testing Theme/Plugin Conflict
As far as rolling back, that is not covered by support, and it would be best if you figure out what is breaking the forms. However, you can install version 2.8.18 over the installed 2.9.x version (from your plugins page.). We have not experienced any issues when rolling back in that way, but you will want to make a database backup before rolling back, just in case it does not work correctly on your site.
First, make a database backup or a full site backup (including the database).
Then, install a copy of Gravity Forms 2.8.18 from the Plugins page of your dashboard. After installing that older copy, clear any cache or CDN. As I mentioned previously, this is unsupported and the preferred solution is to find out what is causing the conflict with 2.9.0.x. Thank you.
I want to report that this is fixed. It seems it was a caching issue. Remember to clear BOTH the Browser and Site caches! In Chrome/windows CTRL+F5 to do a cleanup/clear.