Hotfix builds, like, are not released via automatic update, they are only available for manual installation using the zip available from the support account downloads page. Only versions released via automatic update have dates in the changelog.
Thanks for that. Our GF license is provided and managed via a developer that we used a long time ago. So, we don’t have access to the minor builds via her (developer’s) account.
Why wouldn’t Team Gravity not release minor builds via automatic updates? In this case, V2.9.0.1 introduces significant changes/fixes for V2.9.0.
Help appreciated!
Thank you.
Note: I bet a lot of clients using GF licenses provided by their developers are unaware of this. Imagine a developer managing 250+ websites. Distributing, for example, V2.9.0.1 to those sites (manually) could be a nightmare. Just saying …
The hotfix builds are built too frequently, and over a decade of experience tells us that most customers don’t want to see all those updates in their dashboard. Hotfix builds also aren’t always stable.
You’ll need to contact the license owner and ask them to download the zip for you. If you no longer have an active relationship with them, you should purchase your own license. We do have a black friday sale coming up:
Can you also revise this page to add this note (or similar)? It incorporates what you stated above about hotfixes or minor build changes not having a release date assigned to them in your changelog.
Also, changelog release dates are missing for these updates.
I’ll add the note to the importance page. I’ll ask the product team to add the missing recent dates to the changelog, but the docs site pulls the changelog content automatically from the repo, so they will only appear the next time they build a hotfix or minor release.