Update calculations when child entry updated

The amazing gravity wiz team has prepared a snipp by which update calculations when child entry is updated, but I don’t know what the problem is, it doesn’t work for me!
My way of working is that I connected a form to its parent using the code. When the form is sent, the entry is correctly connected to the desired parent, but I want the calculations of the parent form to be updated as well.

Hi Jack,

I think we’ll need to dig a little deeper to figure out what your desired outcome is and whether or not the snippet supports it. If you’re a Gravity Perks customer, can you drop us a line so we can take a look at your form setup?

I will explain a little more
I have a child form that I connected to the parent form using snipp, and when filled, it connects to its parent form correctly.

But my parent form has calculations in such a way that it calculates an amount based on the number of child forms.
I want these calculations to be updated automatically as soon as the child’s form is submitted

This is very important for me, please help me

Hi Jack. Did you open a support ticket, as Scott requested?


These are not support forums and don’t receive the same attention as a support ticket will. Thank you.

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