Unformatted confirmation message

I am creating form submissions via the REST API v1 (gravityformsapi/forms/[Form ID]/submissions), and want to access the confirmation message - but it is wrapped in HTML.

Is it possible to have the response confirmation message not formatted with HTML?

i.e. The response message currently looks like this:
{status=200, response={is_valid=true, page_number=0, source_page_number=1, confirmation_message=< div id=‘gform_confirmation_wrapper_10’ class='gform_confirmation_wrapper '>< div id=‘gform_confirmation_message_10’ class=‘gform_confirmation_message_10 gform_confirmation_message’>Thanks for submitting your form.< /div>< /div>, confirmation_type=message}}

Is it possible for the response message to not have a < div> HTML element? ie. for it to look like this?
{status=200, response={is_valid=true, page_number=0, source_page_number=1, confirmation_message=“Thanks for submitting your form.”, confirmation_type=message}}

The REST API v1 doc does not indicate that the confirmation message text is formatted.

Using the ‘Disable Auto-formatting’ option in the Confirmations Settings dialogue does not seem to help either.


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