Trying to create a new form, "Save Form" just sits and spins forever

Topic pretty well defines it. I’ve created a new (empty) form, it created fine, so I drag a field onto it, set the necessary info for the field, and hit the Save Form button. When I tried this about a week ago, the button would click but it would have no effect; leaving the page gave me the “unsaved data” warning and the form remained blank. Today the button goes gray and shows the “busy” spinning circle for at least 10 minutes (was still spinning when I came back from getting my coffee), but never actually saves anything; leaving the page and returning to the form editor no longer throws the “unsaved data” warning but the form still stays stubbornly blank. There are four other forms already defined and in use without problems on our site. I’m reasonably adept with computers but this is beyond my specialization… is there something I can look at to fix this?

Hi Charles. First, make sure all your plugins and WordPress are up to date. Verify your PHP version to ensure it’s 7.4 or later.

Then, check for theme and plugin conflicts using these steps:

Let us know if you need any other information.

I’ve confirmed PHP 7.4 and all plugins (except ACF Pro, which is refusing to update for some unknown reason) are up to date; I’m a little reluctant to promote WordPress to 6.3 because of all the “back up the world” warnings, and I haven’t yet had time to do that. I’m reluctant to shut off plugins, as it probably would break the site temporarily, but I suppose I have to do that… would it make sense to promote to PHP 8 or later? So long as I’m busily breaking the site and all.

Hi Charles. Does your host offer a staging capability where you can test out all the updates before putting them into production?

It does not. However, I do have somewhat similar functionality via the Site Health plugin, which does allow me to create a private version of the site with some or all plugins disabled. I’m just hoping that’s enough to allow me to figure out what’s going on.

And that proved to be useless. I have 30 plugins, so I shifted to troubleshooting mode with only Gravity Forms active, and it worked. I started adding plugins back one at a time, and Gravity Forms kept working. At 23 active, troubleshooting suddenly stopped giving the ability to reactivate plugins. So I exited troubleshooting mode, and without any other change (except possibly the reappearance of the Genesis theme - Troubleshooting mode includes fallback to Twenty Twenty Three) it suddenly stopped working again.

In the interim I have managed to update to WP 6.3 and ACF Pro finally allowed me to update it, so everything is up to date.

That sounds like a resource problem on the server in that case (like running out of PHP RAM.) Can you share your system report here?

I could if I knew where to find it. This is a cPanel-managed site at, and I’m showing 344.5MB/2GB memory, 2% CPU on 1 process (of 120 allowed), 23KB/s of 8MB/s, and everything else pretty negligible.

As a side note, I did try upgrading to PHP8, and the site immediately crashed hard. I"ll be looking at that at some point, but for now we’ll leave it at 7.4…

The system status report comes from Gravity Forms:

Also, you can open a support ticket if you need more assistance:

The site was put together for our designer by a developer who has since ghosted us. Since Gravity Forms was put on the site using his developer license, we don’t have the license key. Without a license key, support says we can’t open a ticket.

Here’s the status report:

Gravity Forms

Version: 2.7.12 :heavy_check_mark:
Upload folder: /home/comme854/public_html/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/
Upload folder permissions: Writable :heavy_check_mark:
Output CSS: Yes
Output HTML5: No
No-Conflict Mode: Yes
Currency: CAD
Background updates: No


User Registration: by Gravity Forms - 5.1 :heavy_check_mark:


Database Version: 2.7.12 :heavy_check_mark: Your database is up-to-date.
wp_gf_form_view: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_form_meta: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_form: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_form_revisions: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_entry: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_entry_meta: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_entry_notes: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_draft_submissions: :heavy_check_mark:
wp_gf_addon_feed: :heavy_check_mark:


Site Locale: en_US
User (ID: 9327) Locale: en_US
Gravity Forms:

Scheduled (Cron) Events Log

gravityforms_cron: 2023-08-14 21:15:03
gravityforms_cron: 2023-08-13 21:15:02
gravityforms_cron: 2023-08-12 21:15:03


Home URL:
Site URL:
WordPress Version: 6.3 :heavy_check_mark:
WordPress Multisite: No
WordPress Memory Limit: 40M
WordPress Debug Mode: No
WordPress Debug Log: No
WordPress Script Debug Mode: No
WordPress Cron: No
WordPress Alternate Cron: No
Background tasks: Yes :heavy_check_mark:

Active Theme

Mediated Learning Academy: by Kyle Rumble ( - 1.0 :heavy_check_mark:
Genesis (Parent): by StudioPress ( - 3.4.0 :heavy_check_mark:

Active Plugins

ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO: by Thomas Kräftner, ViktorFroberg, marol87, pekz0r, angrycreative, Team Yoast - 3.1 :heavy_check_mark:
Adminimize: by Frank Bültge - 1.11.9 :heavy_check_mark:
Advanced Custom Fields PRO: by WP Engine - 6.2.0 :heavy_check_mark:
Annual Archive: by Twinpictures - 1.6.0 :heavy_check_mark:
BBQ Firewall: by Jeff Starr - 20230718 :heavy_check_mark:
BE Subpages Widget: by Bill Erickson - 1.7 :heavy_check_mark:
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget: by Black Studio - 2.7.2 :heavy_check_mark:
Classic Editor: by WordPress Contributors - 1.6.3 :heavy_check_mark:
Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode, Landing Pages & WordPress Website Builder by SeedProd: by SeedProd - :heavy_check_mark:
Core Functionality: by - 1.0 :heavy_check_mark:
Flexible Posts Widget: by DPE WS&D LLC - 3.5.0 :heavy_check_mark:
Genesis Mobile Menu: by - 1.01 :heavy_check_mark:
Genesis Simple Sidebars: by StudioPress - 2.2.2 :heavy_check_mark:
Genesis Style Trump: by Carrie Dils - 1.0.4 :heavy_check_mark:
Health Check & Troubleshooting: by The community - 1.7.0 :heavy_check_mark:
Members: by MemberPress - 3.2.7 :heavy_check_mark:
Nav Menu Roles: by Kathy Darling - 2.1.2 :heavy_check_mark:
New User Approve: by WPExpertsio - 2.5.1 :heavy_check_mark:
NextGEN Gallery: by Imagely - 3.37 :heavy_check_mark:
Perfect Images (Media Replace • Generate Thumbnails • Image Sizes • Optimize • HighDPI): by Jordy Meow - 6.4.4 :heavy_check_mark:
Prevent Browser Caching: by Kostya Tereshchuk, ISRAEL IT - 2.3.4 :heavy_check_mark:
Shortcodes Ultimate: by Vova Anokhin - 5.13.2 :heavy_check_mark:
Sidebar Login: by Mike Jolley - 3.0.1 :heavy_check_mark:
Simple Page Ordering: by 10up - 2.5.1 :heavy_check_mark:
Wordfence Security: by Wordfence - 7.10.3 :heavy_check_mark:
WP Go Maps (Google Maps, Map Block, and more!): by WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps) - 9.0.23 :heavy_check_mark:
Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast - 20.13 :heavy_check_mark:

Web Server

Software: Apache
Port: 443
Document Root: /home/comme854/public_html


Version: 7.4.33 :heavy_check_mark:
Memory Limit: 256M
Maximum Execution Time: 30
Maximum File Upload Size: 64M
Maximum File Uploads: 20
Maximum Post Size: 64M
Maximum Input Variables: 1000
cURL Enabled: Yes (version 7.87.0)
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1p 21 Jun 2022 (269488399)
Mcrypt Enabled: No
Mbstring Enabled: Yes
Loaded Extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, pcntl, readline, Reflection, session, standard, shmop, SimpleXML, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, litespeed, i360, bcmath, dba, dom, enchant, fileinfo, gd, imagick, imap, intl, json, ldap, exif, mysqli, mysqlnd, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, pspell, snmp, soap, sockets, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, ionCube Loader

Database Server

Database Management System: MySQL
Version: 5.7.43 :heavy_check_mark:
Database Character Set: latin1
Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci

Date and Time

WordPress (Local) Timezone: America/Vancouver
MySQL (UTC): 2023-08-15 21:20:20
MySQL (Local): August 15, 2023 at 2:20 pm
PHP (UTC): 2023-08-15 21:20:20
PHP (Local): August 15, 2023 at 2:20 pm

From this report, you can see that WordPress has access to 40M of RAM and PHP has 256M:

WordPress Memory Limit: 40M
Memory Limit: 256M

I recommend trying to get more memory for WordPress. You should be able to use all 256M. Here is how you can do that:

(There are many other tutorials online as well.)

I have several other (very lightly used) web sites on that server, so I don’t want to use all 256M for this instance, but I did bump memory to 128M and we’re still spinning indefinitely.

I don’t have any other ideas here (memory or server errors, or a theme or plugin conflict are the typical causes.) Support is the best avenue for getting this resolved. If your developer ghosted you, it might be time to purchase a license of your own so that you can open a support ticket.

I’ll leave this open in case anyone else with experience has an idea to help move you forward.

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