I wanted to add some text before/after my form field. Example:
My name is [single line text field] and I’m working as a [dropdown field].
My business was founded in [dropdown field].
I thought about putting the different form field into a html form field. How can I implement this (shortcodes to a form field are probably not going to work)? Is there a better solution (also from Gravity Wiz)?
Hi MB. It’s not currently possible to configure a form from the form builder to work like that. That style form is sometimes called a Madlib form and sometimes a conversational form. We have an open feature request with the product team to release a conversational style form, but that is not available now.
We did have a writeup on our website a few years ago about an approach to creating a madlib-style form. It’s off the website now, but is available in the Internet archive, here: