I have problem with gravity and stripe. If you capture payments for the indian market you are obliged to sent shipping details of the order in a specific way. Unfortunately the stripe add on is not supporting that by default. As a temporary work around i found some code to add to the functions.php that fills those fields but it is done in a static way so the same shipping info gets added to every order.
So thats not good and i want to populate the fields of my form.
Here is the static code. Can someone let me know how to change the static entries into field values from the form? i tried inserting code like => rgar( $entry
, ‘1.3’ ), But this did not work.
add_filter( 'gform_stripe_payment_intent_pre_create', 'add_shipping_address1', 10, 2 );
function add_shipping_address1( $data, $feed ) {
$data['shipping[name]'] = 'Test User';
$data['shipping[address][line1]'] = 'Teststreet';
$data['shipping[address][postal_code]'] = '1234';
$data['shipping[address][city]'] = 'Testcity';
$data['shipping[address][country]'] = 'CH';
return $data;
Any help is very much appreciated.