Sort Assessment Results from highest to lowest

Hi everyone,

I have a form that generates 8 profile types based on valued answers.

I would like to populate a hidden field with the profiles based on the valued answers, sorting it from highest to lowest score.

This hidden field would be sent to Active Campaign to add the user on an automation.

I was able to populate 8 hidden fields and send the results to Active Campaign, but cannot sort out the results over there, so I’m trying to sort on Gravity Forms then send it to AC .

I believe the gform_pre_submission (Populate a field) is the pathway to follow, based on this topic: Form Notifications based on Assessment Scores [RESOLVED]

Issue is that my PHP knowledge doesn’t go that far… is there a way to populate a field with the 8 results and sort them?


Just checking if anyone has an input on this :slight_smile:

Hi @Kylie,

If you could use Populate Anything Perk to populate the values, this Perk has a native sorting functionality.

Using this approach will probably require a little tweak on the form but it should work for your use case.


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