Show & Tell Your Coolest GF Projects

Does anybody have any cool forms or GF driven projects they want to share? Throw them in the thread, I’d love to see all the awesome things people are doing!

I’ll start it off, here’s a page with a fun “Mad-Libs” style g-form my team just created. ->

Let’s see your favorites!


Greetings Lavall and thanks for the great thread :slight_smile:

I will check out your link for sure.

I have here a fun “demo” I made to help test (and demonstrate) “sticky field sharing” concept I’ve been working on - see if you can figure out how it works.

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Terrific example of a skilled and artistic usage of GF !

As a “semi-retired” Dev myself, I miss supporting such talented resources as you obviously have :slight_smile:

I’d be proud of this too, would you like me to post it into the FB group for you ?
(unless you already planned to…)

Cheers, and thanks again for sharing !

The inline fields is really neat in the jumpcrew example.

Does anyone know of a tutorial showing how to achieve a similar effect of inline form fields?

No doubt such a form would make conversions more likely leading to potentially more ticket sales.

Well done, thanks for sharing the possibilities with Gravity Forms.

Thank you @JASCoder and @endurox! Feel free to post!

@endurox It was a lot of trial and error getting it to work responsively, I’ll try and find some time to cover it in a tutorial soon. DM me with any ?s if you need any help in the meantime :slight_smile:

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This example is awesome! Very clever use of GF. I’m just realizing how powerful GF is (I’ve been using mostly CF7 until recently) and this gives me some ideas for some upcoming projects I’ll be working on.

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Your email generator is an amazingly creative way to use gravity forms. It appears as though you simply use the gf_inline and various htmls fields to structure it. Just plain awesome and creative!

Thanks Lavall !!

I have been struggling how to best explain, and demonstrate the many creative possibilities the “field sharing” capabilites opens up to GF users, and I’m just challenged how to best do this. I’ve documented everything, and even created demos, but I fear my efforts are falling short.

I’ve been “dogfooding” as much as I could, but it will take some “beta testers” actually using the MFSFS plugin and relating back to me their feedback before I’m satisfied enuf to “publish” the plugin on the WP site.

I would love any input you might share if you do look at using my new module, demos, and documentation. I just am too close to the topic to properly explain it.

But I have thought of some example apps this could make possible, but I just have only so much time and energy to donate to such an obscure project :slight_smile:
