Show/Hide dropdown field choices based on another dropdown selected choices (Job request)


I have a form that have multiple dropdown fields and some of these fields choices should show/hide based on other dropdown fields selected choices.

For example:
Dropdown 1 contains: Year applying to (option 1: 2021) (option 2: 2022)
Dropdown 2 contains: (option 1: Grade 1) (option 2: Grade 2) (option 2: Grade 3)

If user select (option 1: 2021) from Dropdown 1 he should only see (option 2: Grade 2) and (option 2: Grade 3) from Dropdown 2

And if user select (option 2: 2022) from Dropdown 1 he should only see (option 1: Grade 1) from Dropdown 2

I tried to achieve that using Gravity Wiz (Populate anything) and it worked but the main issue that i have with Dynamically populated fields is that it is not compatible with Gravity Views search (When i tried to use any of the dynamically populated fields as one of my search filters for Gravity view the drop down was empty because values were dynamically populated. (I can still use this if anyone can develop a way to make search fields used by Gravity view support search within dynamically populated fields.

I need assistance with this. Please let me know how much time it will take and expected cost.



I would be glad to assist you.

To discuss further in detail kindly reach me at or Skype me: cis.garry

Looking forward for your response.



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