Send Form Data to Blocksy Site Search Using Webhook or Other Method


I’m very new to webhoioks, and am not having much luck.

I’m trying to set up a conversational form to submit the form data to the site theme’s (Blocksy) search feature with webhooks using a GET request so that visitors automatically search the site for the form data they submit. Still, I don’t get how to configure the GF Webhooks add-on-to create the desired URL using a GET method:

“There was a problem with your submission. Please review the fields below.”

But no fields are highlighted.

This is the rough get request URL to use my theme’s search:

An example of a full Blocksy search URL:

Here are the settings currently:

Hope someone can help…

Hi Jon. The Webhooks Add-On won’t work for that. The webhook request is sent off asynchronously, and the visitor would never see the results.

You can use a confirmation redirect and the query string to send the s={keyword field:XX} parameter.

But that is probably not related to your validation issue. Disable the Webhooks feed, and set a simple redirect confirmation like, then test the form again. Let us know if you’re still seeing the validation error after eliminating the Webhooks Add-On and confirmation redirect.

Thank you.

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