Search across all entries of every form

I have seen similar questions asked but not exactly the same.

I have around 20 forms and each one has a view. Each one is a registration from our customers so there’s an obvious requirement to be able to search across all of our customers therefore we’d want a global search to be able to search across every view. As it stands the only way we can find anyone in the views is by already knowing which registration form they filled out, going to that view and searching it which is info don’t already know (think of a customer being on the phone and we quicky want to find their registration)

I believe this wasn’t possible years ago but if it still isn’t is there a reason why not?

I’m seems quite a logical addition in my mind?


In mentioning “views” are you using GravityView to handle the display of these entries? If so, I think the extension Multiple Forms may be able to handle this.

Edit: maybe this specific use case is not yet supported…

There is a plugin called “Gravity Forms Global Search” if you want to search across all entries in the back end:

@joshua Thanks, yes I meant GravityView - I always get a little mixed up and forget Gravity Forms ands Gravity View are 2 different things.

I have looked at that but it seems to stack 20 forms one on top of the other on a page from what I have read. How exactly does this look on the front end? Does anyone have a screenshot?

This sounds great for my use as the site admin so it is almost like having that on the front end would be amazing for my staff to use too. Is it an impossibility to do that?

Hi John,

Unfortunately, that’s not yet possible to achieve with GravityView and our Multiple Forms extension. This require a functionality that’s not yet available: Multiple Forms: Unions are not supported - GravityKit Support, Knowledge Base, How-To & Docs

We hope to implement this at some point in the future.

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