Role-based Form Field Missing on Edit


We have a form with a field that is only visible if the current user’s role is an administrator. This is done by having a hidden field that displays the current user’s roles which is done by allowing the field to be populated dynamically with a parameter. When I edit the entry through the backend, I can see both fields but when I edit it through Gravity View, I cannot see the field that is visible only to admins.

Does anyone know of a way around this? We need to update the field before we can approve the entries and the user submitting the form cannot see the field for privacy reasons.

Hi Shannon,

Please check this article: Hidden fields and field visibility on Edit Entry - GravityKit Support, Knowledge Base, How-To & Docs

Let me know if you have further questions.

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Hi Rafael,

Thank you for the assistance. I changed my roles field to a Hidden field type and added the code and it worked. However, it doesn’t seem to extend to nested form entries. If the Hidden roles field is in a nested form, then when I edit a nested form entry through my view, the conditional field doesn’t display. Do you know if this can be done?

Hi Shannon,

The Nested Forms perk works differently inside the Edit Entry page of GravityView. Try contacting Gravity Wiz support staff; they might help: Support | Gravity Wiz

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