REST API v2 submissions fails because it can't access data


So I’m trying to send form submissions from my Nuxtjs app but it always results in an error stating that all my fields are empty. I send my data using a DataForm object, when I console.log() my data all my inputs are filled, I have no idea why it doesn’t send them.

Looking at posts here I found this one REST API Authentication on client-side requests which is exactly the same problem I encounter, sadly it never got any real answer.

Just like this person, I also have errors stating that the authentification failed in system logs.

Here are my console.logs and response from gravity form ( “ce champ est nécessaire” means “this field is required”) as we can see, all my fields are filled

async function sendEmail(formData) {
  sending.value = true;
  const url = appStore.baseJson+'/gf/v2/forms/'+id+'/submissions'
  await $fetch(url , {
    method : 'POST',
    headers: {
      "Authorization": 'Basic '+ btoa(username+':'+password), // tried without this line aswell, same error
      "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
    body : formData
  }).then( (response) => {
    sending.value = false;
    sent.value = true;
  }).catch( (error) => {

    sending.value = false;

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