Questions about strange error message in GravityForms with Hubspot plugin

Hello !
We have been using Hubspot For GravityForms for a while now, and with time, I began to see some strange errors for some of my submission (maybe like 1%).
It shows that kind of errors :
“HubSpot Feed XX: Il y a eu une erreur lors de la création du contact dans HubSpot. cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 5513 milliseconds”.
I tried to inscrease the cURL time limit, but it doesn’t seems to work.
Would someone happens to know more about these case ?

And new error I never seen : “HubSpot Feed XX: Feed was not processed because the submission object was empty.” (it does seems that there were no empty fields, so of don’t understand this error)
These are kind of rare errors as I didn’t see any in weeks (but it keeps happening it seems)
I hope someone has any insight on these for me.
Thank you :slight_smile:,

Hi Manon. I recommend opening a support ticket for this issue:

Enable Gravity Forms logging, then test the form or forms.

Instructions for enabling logging:

When you open your support ticket, include your system status report:

Thank you.

Thank you Chris,
I will wait for the bug to happen again to see it in the logs then.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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