Hello, looking to start using GravityForms with Post Submission Function on Gravity Forms
It looks like On Gravity Forms you can create a page based on form entry and make it create a specific page link. e.g website.com/newpage
I am wondering if this can be done with Gravity Views too. from the video it looks like when you click the single entry it takes you to a with URL /entry/ but is it possible to make this a page based on entry name? https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=174&v=J2qI77nXVuA
*note I don’t want to use Advance Post Creation addon, just normal Post Creation on GRavity Forms
Sorry, I don’t think I explained the question properly but I think you have the right end of the stick
Say when I a user submits a form a page is created called site.com/form/custom-name-based-on-form. <---- This would likely be possible with Post Submission Addon
My question is whether this can be replicated using GravityViews URL. I know that it creates a separate entries page `/view/entry/123/ and the link provided says you can change /view/ and /entry/ can you also give it a custom name based on form title rather than a number?
You won’t be able to achieve that specific URL. You can replace /view/ with /projects/, but you’ll still need something after to replace the /entry/ part.
The entry ID can be replaced by /title-of-form-submission/ with the gravityview_entry_slug filter.
Thanks for the reply again.
That makes sense sense.
Regarding /title-of-form-submission/ how do I base this on a changing field in the entry form.
Eg. user submits an entry on the form with a field (title) called Dallas and another user submits with one called Washington. Is it then possible to get this to appear as https://mysite.com/view/entry/dallas and https://mysite.com/view/entry/washington <-----this is something GravityForm Post Submission can do but wondering if Views can too